Recap of Bunny Shoot Oh Nine.
First of all I would like to Thank everyone again! It really IS my favorite shoot of the year. I love to see the kids soooo excited about the bunnies and they are so hilarious with them! I also love to see all the kids dressed up, I love lil ties and pearls and matchey matchey clothes's all sooo cute to me! Love it!
So this year we had lots of Bunny veterans and alot of new faces, which I love to see. I also love to see it when Daddies come, and I had alot of them! I usually never meet Daddies unless we are doing family pics, so its a treat!
Keep your eyes peeled through out the pics at the Bunnies, some may be by the ears or in a choke hold, but keep in mind No Bunnies were injured during Bunny Shoot Oh Nine! I think these are definitely the funnest pics I take and I laugh so much while shooting. LOL But the kids just want to love on them! Little girls between 1 & 2 are the funniest with them cause they treat them like babydolls.
About the bunnies... the brown bunny was a bit crazy so he's not in alot of pics. The White bunny was the babydoll of the day and when you look through the pics please know he was okay! LOL the grey bunny just there, nothing fabulous bout him. ha
Kiss the Bunny <-- me
Love your Bunny <-- me
Hug your Bunny <-- me
Soft Soft <-- momas
No don't throw the Bunny <-- momas
The Bunny pooed on me! <-- kids
Is the White Bunny dead?? <--umm everyone
Moma can we get a Bunny?? <-- kids
umm No! <--Momas
PLEASSEE <--kids again

BTW- for those of you who weren't there.... this is my new yard! It's gonna be FAB when it's done!
What Up?
he loved the bunnies
Some Bunny Love

Attack of the Bunnies on the baby!
Bunny Love
Sisterly Love

Tight Bunny Love lol

She's not even worried about her sister, she just wants to hold as many bunnies as she can! hahah
Okay this is hilarious to me and when you scroll down you'll understand WHY...
This is last years pic! hahahahah Some things never changed lol

You still up? lol doubt it
Aww look at this angel!
And right before hahahh

Get back here bunny!
This lil one has grown a bunch since last year! She walked up and I didn't even recognize her! She was a wild one last year with the bunnies hahah

The bunny in this cracks me up!
Bunny Love 

This is one of my favs... I love how the bunny is looking at me and she's got him good, its sweet and funny at the same time!

Lil Miss Kailynn, she knows the drill!
Bunny by the ears!

My Maci. I bought Maci a digital kids camera for Christmas and she was playing in the back seat a few days after the bunny shoot saying ..." Mommy Kiss your bunny, love your bunny, hug your bunny" while she was taking Jana's pics! Jana asked her if she was trying to be like Aunt Jamie, she said YES! She also asked her what the mouse ate.... "CHEESE" cause I use a mouse pez dispenser for her to give her a treat and to make her say cheese. And I can promise you if that mouse isn't on my camera she asks about it!

Where's his bunny at? Lol

This one cracks me up!

Sharing some Bunny Love with his brother... aww
awwww sweetness....

and right before.... He really loved the bunnies and wanted to love on them.

Miss Prissy pants looks very innocent right here...
but wait.

Love these smiles
and some smooches
This child is stunning
One of the funniest things all day was from this one... She asked to hold the brown bunny and I told her it was rambunktous, then about 30 mins later I heard her telling another lil girl..." that brown bunny is rambunktous" I almost cried laughing! Then I asked her about it and she said "well you told me that bunny was crazy!" I shocked that she remembered that word and that she knew the meaning! She's so stinking cute with her accent it made it so much funnier!

So I am almost positive that I got in touch with everyone with the plans for Thursday, but if not call me.
Thanks to everyone!
I am very honored to be March's Employee of the Month! I had so much fun and can't wait for next year!!! All of the pictures came out so cute!!!
Thank you so much. I just love the pictures you took of Evan. Shae McLin
Terry wants to know why you didn't put Reese's Pic up from the Bunny 09?
OMG - I didn't even notice I didn't. Hold on
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