Monday, June 15, 2015

Teddy Bear Bath is OPEN!

Teddy Bear Bath

Sunday June 28th

1 ~ 8 x 10
2 ~ 5 x 7s
3 ~ 4 x 6s
8 wallets

Includes sitting fee for one person.
$10 per additional person in package.
Package includes one pose.
Additional Prints available at a la carte prices.

Session will last 10-15 minutes!

 AND I am super excited about this one.

so here's the break down....

the old rusty kids-size claw foot tub from country bath, teddy bears, bubbles and some nekkid booties!

Last time I did Country Bath on the country porch but this will be a more white washed background. Like Tiger Rock was last year, but with bath.

 So for the lil kiddos a lil nekkid booty baby outside the tub.

for around 2 year olds... prob a few booty outside the tub and then some playing in the tub.

then for older kids or if you don't want a booty pic of your kiddo, they'll be inside the tub, with a bathing suit but you prob wont see it.

There will be some age limits for this one... for babies they'll have to be sitting up and then prob 8yrs old max for kids. If you question the age feel free to ask :D

So no need to stress about outfits, any bathing suits will be in the tub unseen. if you have a super fabulous swimsuit I may just it.  The few girl accessories that will be used, I'll have. Non potty trained kiddos need the lil swimmers diaper :D that's it

it is possible now that I think more to have an outfit maybe incase I want them washing bears outside the tub :D

 2013's Country Bath. Same tub with white washed background, teddy bears and bubbles :D

 Book HERE

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