Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fairy Picnic and Mechanic Shoppe is OPEN!

Fairy Picnic

Sunday May 17th

(correction pic originally said May 31st)

This will be the only weekend, I will be having this set up.
1 ~ 16 x 20
8 wallets

includes artwork on print & metallic finish

Includes sitting fee for one person.
$10 per additional person in package.
Package includes one pose.
Additional Prints available at a la carte prices.

If you haven't seen the metallic finish it's GORGEOUS and will look stunning with these pics! And the Artwork will be extra fancy sparkle on your pic .

Session will last 10-15 minutes!

so this is gonna be a combo of last years Fairy Dreams and Country Picnic! Minus the coke ice chest, but picnic and maybe a touch of tea party.  It's gonna be pretty. However..... If youwanted to bring a boy for the picnic part then I wont use wings or the girly stuff :D   I will dress girls. I have gold and turq wings and dresses to match, and will have this dress in the pic too.

And will be lots of fun!!

This set up is a lil tricky cause of the wings.... It may not be the best session for everyone. Your child will have to sit long enough for me to get a picture lol.... This will not be one of those sessions to where I can chase them around and get them wherever I can lol.... because of the wings. 

Babies need to be sitting up, and at the still age haha


If you have any questions please feel free to call me 939-2062


This will be the only weekend Mechanic Shoppe will be available

 May 31, 2015

1 ~ 8 x 10
2 ~ 5 x 7s
3 ~ 4 x 6s
8 wallets

Includes sitting fee for one person.
$10 per additional person in package.
Package includes one pose.
Additional Prints available at a la carte prices.

Session will last 10-15 minutes!

So I have a new section in the outdoor studio that's a lil more industrial.  So I'm gonna have lil a lil boy mechanic shoppe set up. Tools, Toolboxes, and something to work on, I'm thinking a trike. And I have a lil pedal type car for lil babies.

Outfits.... Overalls, jeans maybe a white tee! I'll have some red bandanas too

also would be cute for lil girls too! With a retro feel :D

 And will be lots of fun!!

If you are worried that your child is not old enough to really play mechanic, no worries. I have a small car for sitting up babies. But babies need to be sitting up age :D

 Book HERE

If you have any questions please feel free to call me 939-2062

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